Wednesday, July 28, 2010

The perks of knowing Klingon?

I don't know how true this story is (I read it on a SciFi forum and it sounds more like an urban legend than anything) but here it is:
A Trekkie got lost in Japan without any maps or money. He couldn't ask anyone for directions, since he didn't speak a word of Japanese and none of the people he approached spoke English. But just as he was about to resign himself to life as a hobo on the streets of Tokyo, he saw a man in a Star Trek uniform. The Trekkie asked him for directions in Klingon and to his surprise, the man in the uniform replied! He was able to get back to the hotel after that. (With his new Klingon friend? I'd imagine they would walk arm-in-arm discussing the nutritional benefits of Gagh. )

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

A celebration of accents and dialects!

Do you speak English with an accent? If so, there's a party and you're invited! Well. I lied. It's not really a party, but it's pretty neat nevertheless. It's a showcase of all the different ways people speak English - from Ireland to South Africa! Feel free to "donate" a recording of your accent to the online collection here:

(Oh and if you've never heard of this website before, you don't know what you're missing. They have hundreds of thousands of free Project Gutenberg audio-books recorded by volunteers and it's all completely free. Did I mention that it's free? As in, legally free? You don't see THAT very often. Yay for free stuff!)