Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Return of Sneakywords

Yes, we're back! A short summer vacation is coming up so I'll finally be able to post in here again. So what was I doing all this time? Mainly filling out piles upon piles of worksheets and stressing out about my evil Spanish exams.

A few things will change. I decided I'm not going to go through grammar rules and stuff like that, because a) it can already be found elsewhere on the internet and b) it's boring as hell to write about. So, a big sorry goes out to any grammar-loving dorks* out there who actually read those entries. I'll try to organize things a bit better, maybe do themed articles on certain days and so on.
Anyhow, looking forward to writing more here! Cheers!

*Disclaimer: By dorks I mean my smartest readers. And of course, grammar is very important. It's just not too exciti- It is very exciting. Please don't hurt me, team of burly Grammar Nazis.

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