Friday, December 31, 2010

What language do pirates speak?

Answer: the Pitkern language.

In 1789, a bunch of pirates settled on a remote island in Tahiti. They couldn't communicate too well with the natives, so they made up their own language - a creole mixture of 18th century English and Tahitian. Pitkern has survived to the modern days and currently boasts around a hundred speakers. Arrr, matey. Happy new yeARRR!

Examples (source: Wikipedia.)

Whata way ye?How are you?
About ye gwen?Where are you going?
You gwen whihi up suppa?Are you going to cook supper?
I nor believe.I don't think so.
Ye like-a sum whettles?Would you like some food?
Do' mine.It doesn't matter.
Wa sing yourley doing?What are you doing? What are you up to?
I se gwen ah big shep.I'm going to the ship.
Humuch shep corl ya?How often do ships come here?

Saturday, December 25, 2010

Thursday, December 23, 2010

Bioengineered singing mouse developing language?

From the article: Researchers at the University of Osaka accidentally removed a mouse's ability to squeak; as a result it tweets like a bird. Scientists believe that this may be allowing the mouse to develop a simple language.

More here:

Monday, December 20, 2010

We're getting closer to Universal Translators!

This app for iPhone incorporates augmented reality into translation! Point your iDevice to a sign in Spanish, watch it get translated to English in real time. Amazing. The app is available for free, just search for "Word Lens" on iTunes.

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Xibipiio and the Piraha tribe

Linguistics professor Daniel Everett explains the Piraha tribe word "xibipiio", a concept that does not exist in any other language:

EDIT: The complete video is available here:

Some of the most salient points if you don't have time to watch the entire hour and a half long video:

-The Piraha have no creation myths.
-No counting words except "relatively big" amount and "relatively small" amount.
-Their concept of time is not linear.  They do not understand the idea that "Future" and "Past" are separate. They have a word for "now", and a word for "some time away from now", which could be both in the future and in the past. 
-No recursion, which is a supposedly essential part of human language! Chomsky might not be too happy about this...

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Random Word Generator

There's a really neat random word generator here:

It uses Markov Chains to determine probability of letters appearing next to each other and generates mostly pronounceable stuff!

Some great words I got after playing with it for a minute or two:


I think Pickletator is my favourite.