Friday, December 31, 2010

What language do pirates speak?

Answer: the Pitkern language.

In 1789, a bunch of pirates settled on a remote island in Tahiti. They couldn't communicate too well with the natives, so they made up their own language - a creole mixture of 18th century English and Tahitian. Pitkern has survived to the modern days and currently boasts around a hundred speakers. Arrr, matey. Happy new yeARRR!

Examples (source: Wikipedia.)

Whata way ye?How are you?
About ye gwen?Where are you going?
You gwen whihi up suppa?Are you going to cook supper?
I nor believe.I don't think so.
Ye like-a sum whettles?Would you like some food?
Do' mine.It doesn't matter.
Wa sing yourley doing?What are you doing? What are you up to?
I se gwen ah big shep.I'm going to the ship.
Humuch shep corl ya?How often do ships come here?

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