Tuesday, May 4, 2010

French pronouns

French has 5 types of pronouns, all of which are annoying to learn.

Subject pronouns

Je (I)
Tu (You)
Vous (Polite "you")
Il/Elle (He/she)
Nous (We)
Vous (You plural)
Ills/Elles (They. Elles is used for many girls together, and ils is used for a combination of girls and boys.)

Direct object pronouns

First of all, what's a direct object? Direct objects are nouns that are affected by the action (verb) directly. For example: The rabbit ate a carrot."Carrot" is a direct object here, because it's the thing being eaten.

Direct object pronouns are words that replace direct object nouns. Here's how you do it in French:

"Tu prends l'avion." (You take the airplane) becomes "Tu le prends" (You it take.) The D.O.P. is moved to the front of the verb.

Me/m' (me)
Te/t' (you)
Vous (polite you)
Le, la, l' (him, her)
Nous (us)
Vous (you plural)
Les (them)

Je le mange. (I'm eating it.)
Il la voit. (He sees her.)
Je t'aime. (I love you.)
Tu m'aimes. (You love me.)
Indirect object pronouns

Indirect object pronouns receive the verb action indirectly. They are usually preceded by a preposition. (To, for, by...) "I gave the carrot to the rabbit." Carrot is a direct object here and rabbit is an indirect object.

Me/m' (me)
Te/t' (you)
Vous (polite you)
Lui (him, her)
Nous (us)
Vous (you pl.)
Leur (them)

Je lui parle. I'm talking to him.
Il leur achète des livres. He buys books for them.
Je vous donne le pain. I'm giving the bread to you.
Elle m'a écrit. She wrote to me.
Je le lui donne. I give it to him.

Reflexive pronouns

See this page for help with those beasts:

Disjunctive (Stressed) pronouns:

Stressed pronouns emphasize that it's you, he, she, etc. that's doing something.
They're also used after c'est and ce sont to answer questions.

lui, soi, elle
eux, elles

Check out some examples here:

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